Astrology zodiac signs can help promote holistic healing and well-being, which is why they are a perfect complement to gemstones and crystal energy healing. Crystals can help balance chakras and eliminate negative energy, but different crystals offer different benefits and it can be challenging to stay informed. Brett Larkin, a crystal expert at Tiny Rituals, has offered insight into the best crystals and stones that match the traits of the zodiac signs, as well as tips on cleansing and charging.
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Aries: Carnelian
Aries are known for their fiery and courageous personality, but their high energy can often be released through anger and stress; this goes hand in hand with Carnelian. This stone can heal the impulsiveness of Aries as well as balance energy levels and provide optimism to reduce negative emotions, according to Larkin.
Cleanse and charge the stone by soaking it in water for a few hours, ensuring it is fully covered, and drying it thoroughly before placing it back in its usual spot. You can also set it under a windowsill for 24 hours to expose the stone to sunlight and moonlight.
Taurus: Emerald
Reliable, loyal and determined are some of the many characteristics of a Taurus – but they can also be stubborn and find it difficult to express their emotions. This makes emerald the perfect stone for a Taurus by bringing calm and peace to reduce stubbornness, enhance love and allow them to process emotions properly.
Emerald can be cleansed and charged by running it under warm water to get rid of an energy build-up, while you can also the stone by placing it on a clean white cloth outside on a morning for a few hours.
Gemini: Moonstone
Geminis are playful, extroverted and curious people who always want to have fun – but their weaknesses are their indecisiveness and unreliability. Fortunately, moonstone can regulate Gemini's emotions to improve their ability to make decisions and keep them focused on their relationships.
To clean away built-up energy, Larkin suggests washing the moonstone with soapy water and allowing the healing properties to activate by placing it near saltwater overnight.
Cancer: Rose Quartz
Compassionate, nurturing, passionate and self-protective are a selection of the traits of cancers, but these characteristics are paired with insecurity and sensitivity. Rose quartz provides self-love to help with confidence and tackle insecurities, as well as offering harmony and balance to reduce sensitivity.
The safest way to clean rose quartz is to fill a bowl with distilled water and add your crystal for several hours; with a dash of salt, this will both cleanse and charge the rose quartz.
Leo: Tiger’s Eye
The main traits of a Leo are confidence, leadership and determination – but they have a fear of underperforming and disappointing those around them. However, tiger's eye is an excellent stone for Leos as it allows them to manifest their goals to stay optimistic when chasing goals and success, eliminating any negative feelings of failure, according to Larkin.
Place the stone in a bowl of salt water overnight to both cleanse and charge your crystal, rinse it in fresh water and expose it to sunlight for a few hours.
Virgo: Blue Sapphire
While Virgos are independent, practical, and sympathetic, they can have a very active mind causing them to feel anxious and stressed. Not only does blue sapphire enhance perception and self-expression, but it also helps Virgos to regulate the nervous system and bring them peace to tackle tension and worry.
Leave the blue sapphire in a bowl of water with a dash of rock salt overnight on a windowsill where it can be exposed to moonlight; this will both cleanse and charge the crystal to activate its healing properties.
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Libra: Lapis Lazuli
Compassionate, friendly and intelligent are just a few of the many ways to describe a Libra, but they tend to avoid confrontation and dislike conflict. Lapis lazuli is an excellent stone for Libras as it brings empowerment to the owner and allows them to stay true to themselves in a challenging situation, as well as providing clarity and wisdom.
Activate lapis lazuli's healing properties by leaving it near moonlight or by lighting a sage smudge stick near the stone, allowing the smoke to flow around it; Larkin recommends keeping the stone away from water as it can produce toxins.
Scorpio: Sodalite
Scorpios are ambitious, honest, and enticing, yet they can also be jealous and possessive. These negative traits can be healed by sodalite, a beautiful blue crystal; its shade can soothe the intense emotions that Scorpios experience and the crystal itself can encourage calmness and intuition.
Cleanse sodalite by leaving it to sit under the moonlight overnight, as well as cleansing it by exposing the crystal to sunlight next to a window. Avoid contact with water, as this can dull the stone and prevent the healing properties from working.
Sagittarius: Blue Topaz
Sagittarians are lively, optimistic, and assertive, but they can often be reckless. Blue topaz is well-suited to Sagittarians as it offers wisdom, intelligence and helps with problem-solving when they find themselves in dangerous situations due to their rash behavior. As well as this, blue topaz provides truth and forgiveness when the recklessness of a Sagittarian damages relationships with loved ones.
Larkin suggests cleaning blue topaz with mild soapy water and a cloth and charging it by placing it in sunlight for a few hours, allowing the sun rays to soak up an energy build-up.
Capricorn: Amethyst
Disciplined, dedicated and responsible are just a selection of the strengths of a Capricorn, but they are also pessimistic and often criticize themselves. This makes amethyst a good match for Capricorns; the crystal can help heal past traumas that can contribute to being self-critical, as well as protect against negativity and regulate emotions to bring out their optimistic side.
Amethyst can be cleansed in only 15 minutes by placing it in a bowl of cool water and then rinsing the crystal with lukewarm water from a running tap. As well as this, by leaving the crystal next to a window overnight, the moonlight will amplify the properties of the amethyst.
Aquarius: Citrine
Aquarius individuals are innovative, analytical and conversationalists – but with these strengths come their weaknesses of rebellion and self-righteousness. Citrine is well-suited to an Aquarius – not only does this crystal bring good fortune to the owner, but it enhances self-discipline in times of rebellion and promotes open-mindedness when they struggle to justify anyone's actions but their own.
Larkin suggests cleansing citrine by placing it under a running tap, ensuring that the water has covered the whole crystal and then finishing off by allowing the citrine to charge under moonlight or sunlight for a few hours
Pisces: Red Jasper
Pisces are caring, artistic and in touch with their emotions, but they often feel scattered and absent-minded. Red jasper and Pisces are a fantastic match, as the stone can promote quick thinking, reduce stress, and enhance focus and concentration when they feel lost and need to be grounded. On top of this, red jasper has many physical benefits, including improved blood circulation and reduced inflammation, according to Larkin.
To clean red jasper, add salt to a bowl of water and place the stone so it is fully covered for 15 minutes. Larkin suggests using the smoke from sage to fully benefit from red jasper's properties once it has been cleansed in water.