Advancing Wellness with Facial Acupressure

Advancing Wellness with Facial Acupressure
Acupressure aims to restore balance and promote healing by applying pressure to specific acupoints along these meridians.

As an esthetician and massage therapist, facial acupressure has to be my favorite massage technique to give to clients of all ages and skin types. Facial acupressure provides a natural and holistic approach to enhancing well-being. This ancient technique has gained popularity in recent years and has numerous health and beauty benefits. Rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), acupressure is based on the concept of meridians, or energy pathways, that flow throughout the body. According to TCM, these meridians connect various organs, facilitating the harmonious flow of energy or Qi. When there is an imbalance or blockage in the Qi, it can manifest as physical or emotional symptoms. Acupressure aims to restore balance and promote healing by applying pressure to specific acupoints along these meridians.

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