3 Tips to Better Sleep and Boosting Well-being

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Let’s face it—the past year’s periods of lockdown have been a hard graft. Spa professionals have not only had to endure weeks upon weeks of being unable to socialize or go out and enjoy things, but they’ve also had to contend with their own employment instability and even spa closures. On top of that, the added uncertainty surrounding the pandemic makes it all that much harder.

As such, our mental health has significantly suffered as a result, with many practitioners and spa workers feeling burned out, anxious or overwhelmingly worried about the state of the world. All of this can have a dramatic impact on how ready you feel both returning to work and providing clients with the best possible service and care.

We, as humans, aren’t designed to spend all day inside, after all. Put simply, we need stimuli to keep our brains working and our mental well-being in check. Without this, our sleeping patterns suffer, largely due to a lack of outlets to keep us stimulated either physically, emotionally or mentally. So, if you’re a working spa professional and have been struggling to get to sleep lately, don’t worry—you’re not alone.

There are plenty of effective ways to overcome sleep problems, and these three simple methods are sure to help get your sleeping pattern back on track while adding a positive routine to your daily life, so that you can provide your best care to clients once again.

Reach Out

With social distancing still commonplace, it’s more important than ever to reach out and communicate with loved ones when you can. Many people have experienced life-changing, often traumatic events during the pandemic, from marital woes to bereavement and everything in between. Whether it be a divorce, ongoing custody battle, a childbirth-related issue, a death in the family or work-related stress, anxious feelings will only eat away at you and, if left to fester, can end up making things worse.

It’s important to open up about difficulties that you’re going through, especially when isolation has played a part. Whatever your issue may be—even if it’s something as meaningless as your face mask breaking or feeling like you watch too much TikTok—don’t be afraid to talk. Chances are, you’ll sleep a lot better if you do.

Continue Reading the other two tips for better sleep in our Digital Magazine...

Sophie Bishop is an independent health practitioner and freelance writer based in Brighton, UK.

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