For many couples, finding fun ways of keeping fit together can be a challenge. Thankfully, there’s no shortage of interesting new ideas cropping up. Take acro yoga*, which, as the name implies, combines acrobatics with yoga.
Holistic health expert Koya Webb runs acro yoga workshops and wellness retreats all over the world. Her two-hour sessions, which involve abut 10 participants of all levels, begin with gentle vinyasa flow breathing exercises and stretches. Webb then demonstrates key yoga poses – such as Flying Dhanurasana and the Super Yogi – with a partner. Participants subsequently form groups of three – a “base,” a “flyer” and a “spotter,” for safety – and practice the moves themselves. A cool-down allows everyone to regroup and share their experiences.
As well as improving strength and stamina, acro yoga is great for building confidence, because as the base, the flyer or the spotter, participants have to totally commit to – and, in turn, rely on – the other members of their group, whether it’s a total stranger or their spouse.
“Acro yoga is fantastic for couples because it helps build trust and improve communication,” says Webb. “Learning to play together in this way can ease tension that has built up from the daily grind, while the massage melts away tense muscles.”
For more on this unique way of taking togetherness to the next level, visit
*Note: AcroYoga is a trademarked practice established in California in 2003; for more information, visit
[Read the original article in the January 2014 Digital Edition of DAYSPA. Image: Abram Cox]