CIDESCO Calls on its Global Members to “Say Yes” to Global Wellness Day

Saturday June 11th will mark the fifth Global Wellness Day (GWD) being celebrated around the world with 100 countries taking part. Anna-Cari Gund, President of CIDESCO, the World Standard for Beauty and Spa Therapy and Sweden’s Global Wellness Day ambassador has announced that its global membership covering 40 countries worldwide is supporting the awareness day. CIDESCO is calling on its members and encouraging its international network of accredited schools, students and qualified therapists to spread the wellness word worldwide by saying ‘Yes’ and bringing wellness into the forefront of their minds and daily lives.

Bringing together healthy eating, mindful and physical wellness through embracing the Global Wellness Day 7 Step Challenge, CIDESCO members from around the world will also be taking part in educational activities such as talks and wellness workshops. CIDESCO Section India and India’s Global Wellness Day Ambassador Rekha Chaudhari upon meeting Marharashtra’s Minister of Health, one of the largest states of the subcontinent, confirmed that 500 CIDESCO certified spa and salon owners in India will be supporting the day and joining in with educational activities on spa and wellness. Accredited school, Ecole Privee Catherine Aesthetic Sertin is also pleased to be celebrating Global Wellness Day where they will be opening the school at 9:30am for the public to benefit from complimentary massages by their pupils.

[Image courtesy of Spa PR Company]

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