The Global Wellness Institute (GWI) has named Sunday, March 20, 2022, “Massage Makes Me Happy & Healthy Day.”
Wellness professionals, as well as the public, can join the hour-long online event and hear experts share wellness and massage trends, and highlight the scientific reasons why massage is beneficial for mind and body.
According to the GWI, research shows that massage supports physical and emotional well-being, so in other words, massage creates HAPPINESS.
“After 40 years of research,” explains Dr. Tiffany Field, founder and director of the University of Miami School of Medicine’s Touch Research Institute and medical spokesperson for the GWI Massage Makes Me Happy Initiative, “we have yet to find a chronic or systematic human malady that massage does not aid.”
The GWI Initiative is inviting businesses to arrange for chair massages for staff in honor of Global Massage Makes Me Happy & Healthy Day. Its also encouraging massage therapy schools to host open houses, or conduct an online class to teach tricks for at-home massage.
Event Presenters Include:
- Susie Ellis, founder, Global Wellness Institute & Global Wellness Summit
- Dr. Tiffany Field, Ph.D., director/founder of the Touch Research Institute
- Jeppe Tengbjerg, founder and CEO of The International Massage Association
- Karen Short, CEO Universal Companies
- Luke Massery, CEO Scrip Companies
- Jim Chenevey, CEO Earthlite
- CG Funk, Sr. VP Culture & Industry Relations Massage Heights
- Lynda Solien-Wolfe, chair, MMMH Initiative and President, Solwolfe Resource Group, Inc.
Join the event via Zoom with: Meeting ID: 882 1433 1601; Passcode: 076484.