4 Essential Oil Services that Provide an Aromatic Experience

4 Essential Oil Services that Provide an Aromatic Experience
Essential oils hold the ability to transform wellness services in so many ways.
Photo courtesy of Pixel-Shot at Adobe Stock

Essential oils hold the ability to transform wellness services in so many ways. Whether they are part of an aromatic massage experience or inhaled during a meditation ritual, essential oils can elevate any treatment. That’s why we gathered these protocols featuring essential oils to inspire your menu.

  1. Full Body Revival Exfoliating & Soaking Treatment - Universal Companies
  2. Chakra Boosting and Balancing Ritual - Adoratherapy
  3. Essence Personal Aromatherapy Treatment Room Wellness Enhancement - Essence Ring
  4. Eau Signature Massage - Eau Palm Beach Resort & Spa

Continue Reading our Digital Magazine to read the full essential oil treatment protocols...

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