European bathing circuits are becoming more popular in U.S. spas both large and small, some of which are extending or even replacing treatment rooms with hydrothermal self-service experiences, reports Design for Leisure (DFL), a business that has created such spaces for the spa at the Venetian in Las Vegas, among others. “Not only does European-inspired hot/cold contrast therapy offer significant health and wellness benefits for guests, the self-service areas also have a tremendous ROI and are a great alternative to staffed spa treatment rooms, which can be underutilized and expensive to maintain,” says Don Genders, CEO of DFL. Praised for reducing inflammation and healing injuries in addition to relaxing tense muscles, it’s no wonder that such hydrotherapy circuits may be the next wellness wave.
Another trend growing globally is “prescribing nature,” according to the Global Wellness Summit (GWS). Beginning last October, doctors in Shetland, Scotland, were authorized to offer nature prescriptions to their patients to help treat a range of afflictions, including high blood pressure, anxiety and depression; and “green exercise” is sprouting up in the fitness industry, with companies like Biofit in London designing outdoor gyms, as well as greener workout interiors that incorporate plants and other natural materials. Additionally, The Westin Hotel group offers RunWestin, in which highly customized programs are developed in conjunction with nature. “Hotels and spas are taking advantage of their often intrinsically beautiful locations to offer more outdoor programming, and marketing it to their guests more creatively. There is a real desire to connect guests to natural surroundings, and this presents an incredible opportunity for destinations around the world,” points out the GWS.
This story first appeared in the July issue of DAYSPA Magazine. To receive the magazine, click here to subscribe.