Ona’s Total Body Cleanse

Ona’s wet room and customized acupuncture service
Wellness treatments tend to intimidate uninitiated spa guests. But Sherrie Kasner Matthews, LAc, director of acupuncture at Ona Spa in Los Angeles and creator of the Ona Total Body Cleanse (120 min./$240), felt confident that once her clients experienced the “acupuncture plus body scrub and wrap” formula, they’d be hooked on its effects.
“The theory behind this treatment is to cleanse our body from interior to exterior,” explains Matthews. “The acupuncture goes deep within our interior organs to pull toxins out to the most exterior layer: the skin. The scrub and moor mask finish the process by pulling and releasing the toxins completely out of the body.”
After completing a comprehensive health intake form, clients meet with the acupuncturist to assess and discuss their needs. “The initial consultation allows us to determine which detox treatment plan is best for the client,” says Matthews. “Specific acupuncture points are chosen according to each person’s constitution and cleansing goals—whether it’s from sugar, alcohol, tobacco, fatty foods or environmental pollution.”
As the client lies face-up, the customized acupuncture session begins with a chakra balance via quartz crystal healing stones to clear heavy energy. Acupuncture needles are placed on the arms, legs and head to clear the liver, gall bladder, lung and kidney channels, and remain in place for 25 minutes; the client then turns over and receives a five-minute suction/cupping session along the mid-back. After enjoying an antioxidant-rich snack of nuts and berries with ginger tea, the client is escorted to Ona’s spacious wet room and reclines on the well-cushioned wet table, positioned beneath the movable Vichy fixture. Here, a body therapist begins a methodical green tea scrub to cleanse pores and increase blood flow, preparing the skin to receive the nutrients of the moor mud wrap, which serve to detoxify, tone and tighten skin, and alleviate muscle pain. A reflexology session is performed and, after rinsing, a final, reiki-inspired massage.
Detox bath salts and a Chinese herbal formula are given to the client to continue the cleansing process at home. “Usually I feel kind of loopy and weak after a spa treatment, but this was different,” says a recent client. “I felt light and energized, ready to take on the world!” —Linda Kossoff
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