OPI’s re-launch of PRO.OPI.com provides the ultimate resource for in-depth OPI information for nail professionals. From videos of the hottest new OPI products, to direct links to local distributors, OPI PRO offers a wealth of information to keep visitors up to speed with the latest in nail technology.
OPI PRO presents up-to-date information on OPI’s current product lines, including new collection releases as well as over 200 classic nail lacquer shades, nail treatments, lotions, gels, acrylics and professional nail products.
“PRO.OPI.com is a resource for the latest in nail technology education and innovation, which is important for providing high-quality services to both salons and customers,” said Suzi Weiss-Fischmann, OPI Executive VP & Artistic Director. “With the site’s easy navigation, OPI Professional Products is just a click away!”
[Image: PRO.OPI.com]