- Sleep & Creativity
- Nutrition & Immunity
- Movement & Vitality
- Mindfulness & Serenity
- Sense of purpose & Solidarity
More than 4,000 venues in 140 countries will participate in WWW this year, and all are geolocated on the World Wellness Map so that millions of people can find fun, free, inclusive group activities, classes or workshops nearby. The 2022 WWW theme is "Living Well Together," an idea brought about by traumatic world events like the pandemic and those happening in Beirut, Myanmar and Ukraine.
Unity is being placed on the forefront, so 2022 WWW participants are encouraged to team up with a friend, family member or colleague and set a specific goal to be "fitter together;" once achieved, they're encouraged to support the association of their choice in order turn the miles on their pedometer into money.
Activities like running on treadmills, walking to work, jogging, cycling or hiking for fun and health, will support those who walk for days to flee war and devastation, leaving everything behind.