In response to the recent damage caused by Hurricane Dorian, Grande Cosmetics has announced the launch of “Lip Relief”—a campaign to give back to the Bahamas with 100 percent of all proceeds from select GrandeLIPS products being donated to the American Red Cross, earmarked for their Bahamian efforts, through the end of October.“I was absolutely devastated to see the destruction Hurricane Dorian left in its wake,” says Grande Cosmetics Founder and CEO Alicia Grande. “After seeing what Hurricane Sandy did in New York, and that this was far worse, I knew I had to do something significant to help those who were affected and are struggling to rebuild their lives.”
Formulated with the brand’s proprietary Volulip and Instaplump, along with hyaluronic acid, GrandeLIPS products offer plumper pouts and comfortable, long-lasting color. Customers can visit Grande Cosmetics’ Grande Gives Back page for a list of shades included in the promotion, and to purchase products to support Lip Relief.