Take a gander at this cauldron of new spa treats!

Photography: Armando Sanchez
(from Left to Right)
GlyMed Plus Mega-Purifying Cleanser
This vitamin-packed formula dissolves makeup, oils and other environmental debris while fighting harmful irritants that age skin.
801.798.0390, glymedplus.com
OM4 SunSecure Mineral SPF 30
This new sunscreen does it all: protects men’s skin from UV radiation, helps prevent oxidative stress, and clarifies and brightens the complexion.
877.898.MALE, om4men.com
Apothederm Acne Clarifying Treatment
The latest addition to the company’s Skin Brightening line helps clean out sebum and minimize pore size.
877.496.0038, apothederm.com
Fountains of Versailles from Cuccio Colour
Offer clients a fabulous fall manicure with dramatic hues from this brand-new, high-shine lacquer line.
800.762.6245, cuccio.com
G.M. Collin A.G.E Total Defence
A smorgasbord of antioxidants and peptides in this moisturizer helps restore elasticity in the skin, leaving it firmer and brighter.
800.341.1531, gmcollin.com
Bio Jouvance Galvanic/Ion
Anti-Wrinkle Pen This battery-operated device can be filled with any eye, lip or anti-wrinkle
serum to offer a smoothing, wrinkle-busting boost with application.
800.272.1716, biojouvance.com
Guinot Anti-Fatigue Face Mask
This uplifting mask delivers a healthy wake-up call with rejuvenating essential oils, including mint and eucalyptus.
800.523.1030, guinotusa.com
Clarisonic Aria
A professional-use-only addition to the company’s lineup of sonic-cleansing devices, this three-speed model helps to restore dermal elasticity and gently massage away impurities.
888.5.CLARISONIC, clarisonic.com
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