Registered nurse and licensed clinical psychologist Janet Lapp discussed handling stress, learning the signs of wrong attachments and letting go.
Yesterday’s general session at ISPA, “Mind, Body, Spirit”, stirred, entertained and motivated attendees with a triple-crown of speakers. First, Michelle Gielan, co-founder of the Institute for Applied Positive Research, shared how her career beginnings in today’s negativity-based news media spurred her to explore ways to harness the power of optimism to produce positive results in oneself and on others. “We are all broadcasters,” noted Gielan, and encouraged the crowd to focus on “broadcasting happiness.”
The second speaker, Dr. Janet Lapp, moved the ISPA audience to tears as well as raucous laughter with her discussion of stress management. She explained how people who handle stress well tend to “funnel everything in their lives through a central purpose” and are able to “let go.” “Stress is not a problem,” reminded Dr. Lapp, who is a registered nurse and clinical psychologist.”It’s stressing about stress that’s the problem.”
Rounding out this inspiring morning was Wyatt Webb, founder of the Equine Experience at Miraval Resort & Spa. Webb explained how society’s focus on the external causes individuals to disconnect from themselves and, consequently from others close to them. He urged rapt listeners to increase their awareness of their feelings in real time and thereby “live a conscious life.” — Linda Kossoff