Easy Lifting

The latest and greatest in noninvasive, no-scapels-required, face-rejuvenating techniques.

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Hold the anesthesia! So says the aging client of today. Indeed, costumers are turning away from traditional (read: invasive) face-lifts as they become increasingly aware of the potential for long-term side effects associated with such procedures. Others don’t want to deal with post-operative downtime, not to mention the high costs involved.

Now for the good news: more and more clients are seeking noninvasive yet highly effective alternatives to surgery, such as topical boosters and device-driven techniques. We’re talking measures that don’t require “going under” and that leave zero scar tissue but are stress-reducing, caringly performed rituals and consultations. The even better news? You can offer these services at your spa.

Read the full story in the November DAYSPA digital edition.

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