These high-tech tools travel well—from your treatment rooms to your retail shelves!
- %{[ data-embed-type="image" data-embed-id="5f209693ef1c6c6a0cdc9117" data-embed-element="span" data-embed-alt="baby-quasar-devices" data-embed-src="" data-embed-caption="<b>Baby Quasar Devices With Red or Blue Lights</b><br /><br>Red light stimulates collagen to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, while blue light targets acne. Lightweight homecare/travel versions—Pure Rayz (red light) and Clear Rayz (blue light)—come with<br /> dual-voltage power sources for international usage." data-embed-width="700" data-embed-height="700" ]}%
- %{[ data-embed-type="image" data-embed-id="5f209693ef1c6c6a0cdc910b" data-embed-element="span" data-embed-alt="saian-skin-pro" data-embed-src="" data-embed-caption="<b>SAIAN Skin Pro II</b><br /><br>Employs galvanic/microcurrent technology in four settings—Cleansing, Massage, Nutrition and Lifting—in a single, portable device. Firms and tones, stimulates collagen production, and visibly<br /> reduces signs of aging in 16 minutes." data-embed-width="700" data-embed-height="700" ]}%