Product quality rules, but product packaging sells. Here are some tips on how to maximize a product package’s sales potential.
Even with the strongest possible packaging, products don’t—despite what you might have heard—sell themselves. As a spa retailer, you have an important role in helping impactful product packaging do its job.
“Create a compelling environment in your spa for the products,” urges Andrea Koons, executive director of global marketing for Murad. “Make sure packaging isn’t dusty or faded, and that the retail area is well lit so consumers can read the labeling. Products should look and feel new and fresh.”
Not happy with your retail products’ packaging? Koons suggests checking with the brand company to see if you can create your own container, offering the products in pretty gift bags or grouping them with more attractive items.
Marketing maven Leah Komaiko encourages spa owners to do their own research. “Visit other spas, spa conventions and trade shows, and read magazines like DAYSPA to see what people are doing with product packaging,” she says.
“Remember, the box is often a customer’s first introduction to a spa home product, and a product can only make a first impression once. As you’re selecting products to augment and enhance your business, the packaging IS the product!”