Easy ways to nourish conscientious clients

Today’s mainstream consumer increasingly seeks the whole, unprocessed foods that, little more than a decade ago, were relegated to co-ops and health food stores. Meet this demand (and broaden your spa’s appeal within the ever-burgeoning wellness community) by offering healthy, all-natural refreshments in your reception area and lounge.
Leave the candy and tricks to the kids this month, and check out our suggestions below for creating an appealing spread of simple, organic treats. Be sure to inform your guests that your fare was prepared without aid from pesticides or refined sugars!
A Cruciferous Rainbow Your local supermarket should sell everything you need to create a simple platter of organic veggies (think: sliced bell peppers, grape tomatoes, carrot sticks, celery sticks and broccoli). Root vegetables are especially susceptible to insecticides in soil, so make sure you pick up the certified organic variety! For a healthy dip, try organic balsamic vinaigrette dressing.
DIY Hummus A great option if you have a food processor on the premises: Just blend two cans of organic garbanzo beans, some crushed garlic, lemon juice and tahini. Serve with organic pita or blue corn chips, or some cracked black pepper crackers.
Fruit Smoothies Fill a blender with a variety of frozen organic berries (you can change it up, using strawberries in the summer and dark sweet cherries in the winter), along with organic yogurt, ice, sliced banana and a dash of 100% pure maple syrup.
Fruit Skewers To go with your topical antioxidant treats, provide organic berries, melon, apples and bananas on sticks. Squeeze with some lime to keep them fresh and colorful. You could also drizzle them with a bit of honey!
Mixed Nuts and Raisins Make sure to pick up the raw variety!
For more healthy spa recipes, check out Taste, a new department feature, on the back page of each issue of DAYSPA!
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