How do you keep your unemployment reserve down?

The Situation: “After addressing some front desk issues in a meeting, one of our front desk supervisors became angry, stormed out of the room and gave his two weeks notice that same day,” recalls Scott Kerschbaumer, co-owner of ESSpa Kozmetika Organic Skin Care in Pittsburgh and ESSpa at the Carnegie Inn & Spa in State College, Pennsylvania. “I sent him an email to acknowledge his resignation and he responded via angry and unprofessional text messages. He then filed for unemployment benefits.”
The Solution: “When the unemployment office sent me the form for the employee, I sent them a letter explaining the situation and even included screenshots of his text messages,” says Kerschbaumer. “With each unemployment claim filed, the state increases the amount you are required to pay into it, which is why I wanted to prove that, in this case, this individual was an able-bodied employee who could work but chose to quit. New he still had a chance of receiving unemployment benefits, but our unemployment reserve would not be impacted.”
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