Try these tips to help keep your clients excited about oxygen.
Use service recommendations
Client recommendations should start at the point of booking, if possible. Of course, it can be difficult to make recommendations without seeing a client’s skin first, but Heidi Lamar, owner of The Lamar Everyday Spa in Scottsdale, Arizona, often recommends her spa’s Echo2 Oxygen Facial (55 minutes, $135) to those who want to see a difference.
“In particular, here in Arizona, we see a lot of sun damage, and so the oxygen facial is a good recommendation for those who have overdone it, including cases of immediate sunburn,” she notes. “It’s also a great service for clients who are regular smokers.”
To encourage recommendations, choose a system that’s portable enough to roll from room to room and quiet enough to be used in any service area, regardless of what other treatments might be taking place.
Make it special
Your services will stand out if they’re more of an experience. “The machines often have a psychotherapeutic value,” says Tino Lerma, global corporate trainer and medical esthetic educator for Pevonia International. “The action used to perform the facial is really more of a micro-massage: you can get nasal cannula to breathe in scented oxygen as part of the treatment. Even the therapist ends up feeling good afterward!”
“The more slowly and rhythmically an esthetician moves, the greater the opportunity to have the oxygen advance the ingredients into the skin,” adds Deirdre Burke, vice president of U.S. sales for Intraceuticals. “The more creative and artistic you are, the better the results will be.”
Sell a series
“We offer a ‘buy five and get the sixth treatment free’ series for our oxygen facials, without an expiration date,” Lamar says. “Many clients opt to spread them out to every other month rather than every month, to extend the benefits.”
Oxygen Sources
Not sure where to begin? To help you breathe easier, here’s a starter list of companies that provide esthetics oxygen machines and/or topical products.
ECHO2Plus, 800.592.3246
G.M. Collin, 800.341.1531
Intraceuticals, 562.434.9000
Intrafusions®, 888.317.3788
OxyAire, 213.688.7812
Oxygen Pur, 866.241.7811
Pevonia International, 800.738.6642
Phytomer, 800.227.8051
Rejuvenair, 877.441.7167