Sasha Sampson, spa manager of Yuan Spa in Bellevue, Washington: Although we offer it as a full 60-minute service, our Signature Scalp and Hair Treatment (60 min./$99) is a great add-on to any of our other services, especially reflexology. We do regular e-blasts in which we focus on monthly promotions, and tend to feature the scalp treatment during drier months. Most recently, we added television screens in our locker rooms that showcase the treatment and offer information about its benefits. It’s a great way to get the information right in front of guests.
Spa PRODUCTS: Scalp Treatments »
Gina LaMonica, esthetician and massage therapist at Caring Touch Spa in Bloomington, Illinois: Our scalp treatment is listed as an add-on on our menu. However, oftentimes, I’ll offer it during a full treatment such as a massage or facial. Many people are not as familiar with scalp therapy, and I think it’s important for clients to know about it. Sometimes I’ll add it to a service automatically, as a treat, which I find sparks conversation, and introduces clients to the benefits.
Nicole Verzyden, spa operations and development specialist for Spa Addictions Business Specialists: I think offering an upgrade to a full treatment is the best way to market this type of service. Because there is not a lot of time or product involved, it’s a fairly cost-effective add-on. Market the treatment as a special or unique technique that is exclusive to your spa.
What are some sensitive ways to suggest this type of service?
Verzyden: I think mentioning the service in the treatment room as you discuss the client’s scheduled treatment is a great way to introduce it as an add-on to guests. Use verbage like, ‘We offer an amazing scalp treatment that has some great relaxation benefits, and I think you would really enjoy it.’
Sampson: Here in Bellevue, the weather can be pretty abrasive to hair, making it easy to recommend our scalp treatment, which includes a massage that uses Naturopathica oil to nourish the area. If a therapist notices a client has dry hair, she’ll gently ask if the client is interested in the hydrating treatment, and also make mention of its stress-reducing benefits.