Make your spa’s website an effective marketing tool with these helpful tips.

Nowadays every business has a website, but doesn’t mean it’s necessarily doing their businesses any good. For instance, if a site is crowded, hard to navigate, full of misspelled words and flaunting photos showing hairstyles from the 1970s, well, it may actually be harming that business more than helping.
Here are four ways you can improve your spa’s website right now to help make it the marketing tool is should be.
Keep it Simple. Take a few minutes to visit your website’s homepage and try to look at it with the eyes of a potential client. Is the site appealing? Are the fonts easy to read? Are the photos conveying what you want to say? How easy is it to navigate? Can you quickly find services and contact information? If you find you’re overwhelmed with information and have trouble finding things on your site, it may be time for an update.
Improve Content. Now take a few moments to click through the pages of your site and read the content. Is it easy to read and understandable for everyone? Is it short and to the point, or long and verbose? Does it contain full sentences and correctly spelled words? If your content needs some refreshing, see if there’s someone on staff who can help you, or consider hiring a writer who specializes in writing for websites.
Consider a Blog. One way to constantly keep your site’s content fresh and to keep people coming back is by having a blog. A blog can also help improve your rankings in search engines through the use of keywords. Blog posts do not have to be lengthy, or have to be posted every day, but it also should be left to sit too long. A blog is also a great way to get your staff more involved in the business.
Go Mobile. According to ReachLocal, 3 out of 5 customers search for local businesses on their smartphones, and according to Akamai, if your mobile site takes longer than three seconds to load, the majority of customers will give up on that site, potentially sending your clients to someone else. So take a moment to see if you can easily access your website through your smartphone or tablet. If not, contact your website designer so they can improve that functionality.