Spa Marketing: Premium Pedicures

These savvy marketing tips will give you a leg up on the competition.

  • Thrill them softly Instead of discounting your services, send clients home with something special that doesn’t break the bank, such as a goodie bag filled with high-end samples.
  • Hit refresh Although not every spa can match the Hotel Bel-Air’s culinary offerings, a chilled mimosa or even a nicely displayed selection of artisan teas help make for a memorable service.
  • Rinse and repeat Consider presenting guests with a rewards card that offers a complimentary pedicure after 10 or 15 full-price ones.
  • Boost your social status Increase your spa’s presence on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest. Post frequently about promotions, offers and wellness advice.
  • Partner up Reach out to a local restaurant for cross promotion: you could serve some of its healthy light bites in exchange for referrals, and perhaps join forces to create a reservation service for spa guests.
  • Rev up your retail Establish a signature product line that clients will want to purchase and use at home to extend the experience.
  • Get your group on Bring your staff together to brainstorm on their favorite scents and flavors. Use their input to create seasonal foot treatments for your spa.
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