Winter-proof your day spa with these easy pointers

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As temperatures drop, many day spas’ heating bills tend to skyrocket. So DAYSPA consulted with green industry leaders and energy experts to find out how to stay energy-efficient during cold, windy months. Below is our resulting list of tips on how to minimize Old Man Winter’s carbon footprint—and his financial toll on your facility.
1. Turn down the thermostat whenever you leave your spa. Even better, purchase a programmable device, so you won’t have to remember.
2. Install plastic film on the inside of windows. This material is inexpensive, and available at most home improvement stores.
3. Seal air leaks on exterior walls, doors and windows with caulk or weather-stripping. To check for leaks, use with a damp hand to feel for airflow.
4. Close fireplaces when not in use. This prevents air leakage and intrusion.
5. Install low-flow showerheads and faucet aerators. This limits the amount of hot water used. Until the weather warms up, you may also want to limit Vichy shower usage during treatments to a few minutes by using an egg timer.
Wintertime can be a challenge for many small business owners. How do you and your staff remain warm, optimistic and green when the cold front moves in? Tell us about it at [email protected].
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