Have you ever dealt with repeat-offender flakes for clients?

The Situation: “Our policy is, after two no-shows without proper cancellation, the client is no longer allowed to make appointments. She must be a walk-in client. We post our cancellation policy clearly, but there are still some people who just don’t show, cost us money, and get upset when they can’t make an appointment,” says veteran spa pro Lisa Marie Arnold, president of Lisa Marie Arnold, Inc.
The Solution: “We’ll print out a list of their no-show appointments for the year, and how them how much it cost us. We present it to them in a letter and tell them, ‘We value you as a customer, but look at the money you are costing us. We can’t allow for no-shows; we have waiting lists and are very busy,'” Arnold explains. “When they see that, it’s a wake-up call and they realize they are affecting our business. We train our nail technicians to not put up with it too, because it’s counterproductive when they are trying to build their client base. If you allow clients to do this, they will continue to do it.”
What would you have done? Please sound off below in the comment field. Have you had a similar experience? Got a sticky situation to share? Email your spa horror story to [email protected]!