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M’Lisa Jackson, President of M’lis (mlis.com):
“Wellness products are thriving in the spa setting and the idea that ‘Inner health reelects outer beauty’ has now become a fundamental truth. I believe that using this message to boost holistic retail products and spa services will double your income in 2014.
“Always keep in mind that businesses built on service-only offerings limit their profit-making potential. We teach our spas to bring in 50% of their receipts in retail because that’s where they make their profit.
“When it comes to wellness, you don’t need to be perfect yourself, but you do need to be serious about your goals to project your business as a complete wellness/spa retreat, where everyone seeking a change is welcome and accepted as they are.
“Some other major industry trends we will see in 2014 include nutritional and mentoring programs, non-invasive therapies, natural and organic products, and increased education on how diet, exercise, stress, sleep and water intake relate to healthy hair, skin and nails.
“For me, this is what makes for a profitable, fun, recession-proof business: helping people achieve their goals!”
To read more, please visit Dayspa’s current Digital Issue.