4 questions to ask potential staffers to find out if they meet your mean-green standards!

As your spa guests become increasingly environmentally conscious, it’s crucial that you can count on eco-savvy employees to carry out your spa’s green initiatives and further reduce your carbon footprint.
The following questions are designed to spark revealing discussions during the recruiting process. For each, you can have applicants rank themselves and then explain their answers. Let’s get started:
How green are your practices in daily life? Ask interviewees to rank themselves from 1 (I’m not interested) to 5 (I actively research ideas and networks to reduce the carbon footprint of myself, my family and my community).
How green are the professional spa products you currently use? Potential employees should measure themselves from between 1 (It isn’t crucial; I want them to be appealing and effective) to 5 (It’s always important to actively seek pure/natural ingredients)—and then explain why.
How green are your ideal spa supplies? Where do you fall between 1 (my priorities rest in efficient, attractive and well-priced items) and 5 (I want to know the origin of all materials and ensure that they’re toxin-free and were produced in an environmentally sound fashion)?
How green are your energy/appliance choices? 1 (my priorities rest with efficient, well-priced machines) to 5 (I always seek Energy Star appliances, LED bulbs and eco-conscious maintenance products).
Snuffing out environmentally savvy spa folk from the eco-ignorant masses is no small undertaking. How do you attract sustainable superstars? Tell us about it by writing to [email protected].
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