Gerri Sapinoso Hudson

Gerri Sapinoso Hudson

Gerri Sapinoso Hudson ([email protected]) is an emotional intelligence leadership coach, facilitator and founder of Vision Bridge Leadership (, which serves organizations with skill-building in emotional intelligence areas like mindfulness, self-awareness, self-management and relationship management through compassionate communication and influence. Sapinoso Hudson is a certified executive coach and certified teacher with the Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute.

As a Certified Search Inside Yourself (SIY) Teacher, Sapinoso Hudson helps individuals and teams work through emotional challenges, adapt and grow resilience. Her courses focus on gaining clarity, shifting mindsets and building trust. In her latest SIY course, Adaptive Resilience, Gerri teaches mindfulness-based techniques that can be put into immediate practice after each session for a more balanced approach to work and life. For more information and how to sign up, visit

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