A refreshing blend of spices from Alchemy Arts Center

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We were skeptical at first—body-cleansing ingredients that are savory enough to sprinkle on meals? But this refreshing blend is a bona fide game changer, melding crave-able flavors with effective detox results. “And you can have it every day,” says its creator, chef Brad Fox of Alchemy Arts Center (alchemyartscenter.com), a wellness spa, café and studio in Santa Barbara, California (see Wellness Spa Snapshot, page 52, for more). “If you’re looking to regulate digestion, make a big batch of healing spices and just throw them on your dinner,” Fox says, noting that the herbs take well to soups, sauces, curries and salmon dishes.
“The ginger and galangal add extra spiciness, and the lemongrass and kaffir lime leaf bring some citric flavor.” All tastiness aside, these spices make a potent cleansing cocktail: Galangal root is known to relax the stomach muscles and encourage elimination; kaffir lime leaf helps purify the blood; lemongrass fights inflammation and supports liver and kidney functions; and ginger helps calm high blood pressure. Clients seeking a mild detox with maximum flavor will swoon over this inventive add-on. Body and taste buds rejoice!
Healing Spices from Alchemy Arts Center
Serves 2
1 tsp fresh ginger, finely chopped
1 tsp galangal root, finely chopped
1 tsp lemongrass, finely chopped
1 tsp kaffir lime leaf, finely choppedWhen ready to serve, mix all of the healing spices together and add to your favorite dishes.
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