4 Emerging Trends in Sexual Wellness

Joyful couple in good mood lying in bed at bedroom. Close up photo of a caucasian woman with brown hair lying on her boyfriend. Smiling playful young lady in male white shirt sitting on her happy man
As research translates first into changes in technology, and behavior, we should be able to expect safer and more satisfying sexual experiences.
Photo courtesy of eduard at Adobe Stock

As we kick off 2025, it's hard not to look back and reflect on how radically things have changed in a short period. The past two decades have been marked by incredible progress and innovation. Still, nothing about sex and relationships is easy, even in the simplest of times, and judging from the extreme speed with which our lives are changing, it is to be expected that these have an exciting and complex process of change ahead of them.

We know there is always more to learn about sex and relationships, even if you are a titan in the sexual wellness industry. For this reason, LELO shared its predictions on what the future has in store for this sector. 

1. Science Drives Greater Satisfaction

How much we understand about the functioning of the human body and the rate of advancement in medical science is incredible right now, and we can turn that understanding into new cures and prevention, but also to the enhancement of pleasure. As research translates first into changes in technology, and behavior, we should be able to expect safer and more satisfying sexual experiences. New ways of stimulating our nerves, new understandings of how pleasure is communicated through our bodies and brains, and new ways of enhancing and extending it.

2. Enjoying the Route to Orgasm, As Much or Even More Than the Orgasm Itself

Even though being unselfish is a trend that will rule the future of sexual wellness according to the futurist, Tom Cheeswright, we still need to cater to our own needs. We need to know what works for us and masturbation is an invaluable source of getting to know oneself. But, masturbation does not always have to be so goal-focused, and this is gooning.

Gooning is all about reaching that state of mind where you're fully consumed by the pleasure of the moment, often edging or delaying orgasm for hours to enhance the intensity. So, you can desire to be in the orgasmic state as long as you want without any self restriction and experience the rush of neuro-chemicals like dopamine, adrenaline and oxytocin. This cocktail of hormones impact the way a person experiences sensation, pleasure and even themselves. 

Related: Now Trending: Sexual Wellness

3. Toys Moving in More Organic Ways

One of the most exciting areas of scientific research right now is in materials. Our understanding of the smallest molecules of matter is allowing us to create new materials with incredible properties - not just look and feel, but an ability to move, change shape and store energy. This creates endless possibilities for new sex toys that take advantage of our growing understanding of human pleasure. Toys will feel more natural and move in more organic ways, in part due to the use of AI and materials such as liquid silicone; and will very rarely need recharging.

4. No More Worries If Partners Wants to Get A Toy Involved

If we do take more pride in unselfish sexual behavior in the future, that might also help to overcome any remaining sensitivities about toys for couples, and about toys in general. That means being less concerned that using a toy together somehow says something negative about your own performance and embracing what good the toy can bring to your experience and enhance your partnered play. And more broadly, being more open about their use. 

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