Laki Naturals Bath Soaks

Lakinaturals Bathsoak Np

Laki Naturals Bath Soaks help to relax and sooth achy muscles while promoting sleep. These bath soaks are formulated with Magnesium bath flakes, Hawaiian sea salt and natural fragrance oil to provide therapeutic benefits to the skin and body. 

Bath Soak Scents

  • Aloha Rose (Cherishing and Timeless) Bath Soak
  • Coconut Milk (Indulging and Nourishing) Bath Soak
  • Charcoal Lava (Uplifting and Rejuvenating) Bath Soak
  • Eucalyptus Peppermint (Refreshing and Invigorating) Bath Soak
  • Lavender (Calming and Unwinding) Bath Soak
  • Neroli (Inspiring and Enchanting) Bath Soak
  • Unscented (Soothing and Simple) Bath Soak

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