Have You Gotten a Head Start on Holiday Service Planning?

Have You Gotten a Head Start on Holiday Service Planning?

The holidays are fast approaching, and that means that guests are going to be looking to gift and receive wellness services at an extremely increased rate. As we all know, it is essential to plan for holiday programming and retail opportunities to make the most out of the season and to boost your ROI. 

While it is only October, now is the perfect time to establish your plan for the holiday services and initiatives you will launch, so that you are ready for booking season. So, we want to know, are you planning your holiday services now? Less than half (44%) of WellSpa 360's audience shared that they have started their holiday menus. Luckily our October issue dove deep into helping you prep for the holiday season covering everything from our extensive holiday gift guide to optimizing your holiday sales.  

Holiday Prep 101

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