Consumers Miss Pre-Pandemic Workouts

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Orangetheory Fitness conducted a "Basement Burnout Survey" revealing that Americans are ready to get back to in-the-gym workouts.

Orangetheory is a global fitness brand known for its science-based full-body workouts.

The company partnered with Kelton Global to survey 1,005 Americans age 18+ in the U.S. The study was conducted online during the period of May 19-25, 2021, on national sentiment around the pandemic's impact on fitness routines.

The survey showed:

  • 70% of exercising-Americans admit they miss their routine before COVID-19
  • 30%  missing being inside a gym; having access to different fitness equipment; or having variety in their workouts
  • 68% of Americans report that their fitness regimen in general took a hit, despite their best efforts and intentions
  • 41% of Americans are suffering from the monotony of the at-home fitness regime
  • 85% of Americans are eager and excited to make positive changes to their physical activity
  • 43% of respondents specifically noted they are planning to set and achieve new fitness goals

Dr. Rachelle Reed, senior director of health science & research for Orangetheory Fitness, suggests "Basement Burnout" could stem from a lack of variety in physical activity, excessive training at the beginning of the pandemic.

Dr. Reed's Tips for Preventing "Basement Burnout" include:

  • Self-monitor and track one's exercise sessions and individual progress;
  • Add variety to at-home fitness routines, such as studio classes led by a certified trainer or coach who can provide expert guidance and motivation to help achieve desired results;
  • Create or find an accountability system, such as a class or studio; having a partner or community offers social support to motivate and further achieve desired results;
  • Ensure adequate sleep, proper nutrition, hydration and stress management; and
  • Allow the body enough time to properly recover between workouts.
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