LYCON USA Lauches New Website


Slider-5Wax manufacturer LYCON USA, having celebrated its 40-year anniversary this year, has announced a new, revamped website:, designed as an easily navigated showcase of the brand’s complete product line. Spa pros can view products by category and select the most suitable items for their waxing needs. The refreshed website also features a new shopping cart allowing professionals to sign up for an account, log in and place their orders with ease. Users can sign up for monthly LYCON newsletters, educational webinars and Insta Live Chats, plus the distributor landing page provides a direct link for pros to find the distributor closest to them.

RELATED: 6 Things You Didn’t Know About Lycon Wax



LYCON Wax was established in 1978 in Australia. From founder Lydia Jordane’s stovetop, LYCON has grown immensely over the years and is now sold in more than 75 countries. Formulated with high quality, natural resins, beeswax and sensuous aromatherapy, LYCON waxes are low temperature, super pliable and gentle on the skin, delivering superior results and removing stubborn hair as short as 1mm.

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