Pevonia launches a new wellness campaign to offer tools for a balanced lifestyle.
Pevonia is shining a light on how every day stresses – a crazed schedule, deadlines at the office, or an over-packed social calendar – can have a damaging or even an aging effect on skin, as result of a drained well-being. Pevonia’s new Live.Beauty.Full. campaign encourages people everywhere to give time to themselves,live in balance, and see the results through their rejuvenated and beautiful selves.
Through Pevonia, women and men can find the best in holistic wellness, skin rejuvenation and radiance, and customized solutions with ingredients from the safest source – nature. With the right tools, resources and products from Pevonia, everyone can Live.Beauty.Full. with a fresh perspective and glowing, gorgeous, healthy skin.
Visit and find the latest information and tools from Pevonia on living a balanced lifestyle. The Live.Beauty.Full. Blog offers articles of advice on numerous areas including the relation of stress to the skin, green living, relationship, work and finance advice, and the true definition of beauty. There is also a spa locator to find the nearest prestigious spa offering Pevonia products and treatments to de-stress, restore and rejuvenate. The Live.Beauty.Full. library features all of the skin knowledge and questions you have ever wanted to know such as the causes of hyperpigmentation, an ingredients glossary, and the real meaning behind sunscreen terms. And finally, a listing of upcoming Live.Beauty.Full. spa events which is a great way to enjoy time with friends and family or just to focus on your wellness journey.
Pevonia encourages you to Live.Beauty.Fully. Being beautiful is much more than a pretty face and shapely body. It’s spiritual, mental and emotional wellness. Beauty is a well-rounded characteristic everyone possesses and lives deep within the soul. Pevonia strongly believes this and wants you to see your true beauty and find your balance in life from all of your daily stresses.
For more information on Pevonia’s Live.Beauty.Full. campaign visit
[Image courtesy of Pevonia]