Created by bestselling author Teresa Anne Power, Kids’ Yoga Day will span 37 U.S. states and 12 countries.
This Friday, April 8th, thousands of schoolchildren around the world will take part in the first annual Kids’ Yoga Day by putting down their books and spending 5 minutes doing fun, simple yoga poses. This celebration of fitness, created by bestselling author Teresa Anne Power, will encourage children to let their imaginations run free as they mold themselves into trees, flamingos, windmills, kites and other kid-friendly yoga positions. About 12,000 kids are expected to participate, both in school and at home, including those from at least 37 U.S. states as well as 12 countries around the globe. More than 100 official ambassadors will lead the kids through the poses, all to raise awareness about yoga for children.
An expert on children’s yoga and author of The ABCs of Yoga for Kids — a book that sold more than 250,000 copies in four languages – Power says few people understand how powerful yoga can be. More than a great way to become fit, she says parents who practice yoga with their children get a bonus: stronger relationships with them. “When you both do something healthy and fun, you will get closer,” she observes, noting that the type of yoga she favors is playful and does not involve any chanting.
Celebrate the first annual Kids’ Yoga Day this Friday, April 8th, 2016 at 11 AM, and join the thousands of children and leaders taking part in embracing wellness and fitness! For more information, please visit