Dr. Diana Howard Sets the Record Straight on Skin Care Trends, Ingredients and Technologies

Dr. Diana HowardDr. Diana Howard

Dr. Diana Howard

Dedicated to raising the bar in professional education as well as consumer intelligence in every area of skin care, Diana Howard, Ph.D., Vice President of Global Education and Research and Development for The International Dermal Institute (IDI) and Dermalogica will offer an eye-opening multi-media presentation on Monday, February 3, 2014 from 6pm to 8pm titled, “New Fact, More Fiction, Latest Fantasy – Part 2”.

The event is a Guest Speaker Evening (GSE), part of the year-long series of GSEs hosted across the USA by IDI. Dr. Howard will speak at IDI’s world-headquarters located in Carson, CA, and the message will be transmitted globally via a live webcast on IDI’s Facebook page. Viewing parties with refreshments are also being hosted at all 17 IDI locations, topped off by a live Q+A following the event.

Dr. Howard comments, “It’s human nature to be attracted to the next, newest, shiny thing, and professional skin therapists are no exception. Everyone in the business is looking for the Holy Grail, the silver bullet, especially when it comes to anti-aging. As a result, there are a lot of seductive promises, pseudo-science and misinformation that consumers find. As the leading world authority on ingredient formulation and technology, here at IDI we feel that it is our responsibility to offer skin therapists our latest assessment of what’s real and what’s just a manufacturer’s marketing ploy. Knowing the facts is the only way that professionals can manage the expectations of their customers, provide effective treatments, and correctly prescribe products for at-home use.”

Dr. Howard points out that virtually every week, “…a new mystery-fruit from the Amazon or some laboratory synthesized active ingredient is being touted all over the internet as the guarantee to reverse aging. Too often buzzwords that have legitimate science behind them are taken out of context and used to promote high tech skin care. Unless you are a scientist it may be difficult to decipher what is real science or marketing hype. ”

To attend the event, please call 1.888.29.CLASS (25277) or visit www.facebook.com/dermalinstitute to watch the live webcast. For more information on The International Dermal Institute and the GSE series, please visit www.dermalinstitute.com.

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