Any beachgoer knows that one cleansing breath of that deep sea air is enough to soothe the mind and body. To replicate that same environment at the spa—and to treat landlocked customers to this experience—more facilities are finding ways to bring the healing powers of salt to their clientele.
As spas add salt-based treatments to their menus, many are becoming savvy about expanding their options and investing in dedicated halotherapy, or dry salt therapy, rooms. Spaces that provide salt therapy require proper attention to design, including factors like construction, sufficient room dimensions, lighting, flooring and furnishings.
Bonuses for All
Before addressing the design elements of a halotherapy space, it pays to take a closer look at salt therapy’s wealth of benefits.
Halotherapy offers tremendous health advantages for all ages. According to Ann Brown, founder of Saltability, the main perks of salt therapy include cleansing the respiratory tract, improving lung function, enabling easier breathing, strengthening the immune system and improving skin health.
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Pamela Brill is a writer based in Northport, New York.