Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and ancient rituals are often key influences to wellness programming. Acupuncture in particular is a popular modality, as it can be used to address symptoms of anxiety and pain, as well as stimulate the healing process. Kelli Miller, LAC, DIPLAC, MSOM, MSPSY, licensed acupuncturist at STRATA Integrated Wellness and Spa at Garden of the Gods Resort & Club in Colorado Springs, Colorado, reports that she quickly fell in love with providing this treatment and watching clients heal. Learn more about Miller’s favorite treatments and best advice for people who are starting their wellness journey.
Why did you choose acupuncture specifically?
While in the graduate program studying health psychology, I developed a strong interest in Chinese medicine and realized that I could help people in a more holistic way by providing acupuncture. I had been a patient receiving acupuncture for several years by this time and was amazed by all of the benefits, including relief from anxiety. I love that acupuncture treats our physical, mental and emotional being all at the same time!
What’s the best part of your job?
In 1996, I entered into a doctoral program in health psychology and behavioral medicine with the goal of helping people live their best lives. To this day, I love helping clients look and feel their best, and I love seeing myself as part of their transformation.
What’s one thing you can’t leave the house without?
I cannot leave the house without my alkaline water from our water ionizer.
What advice do you have for clients just starting their wellness journey?
Be patient. It took your body years to get out of balance, so it will take some time to bring your body and emotions back by using natural healing methods. It helps to see your journey into wellness as a new lifestyle.
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