GSN Planet 2022 Buyers Conference

Oct 23rd, 2022
Oct 26th, 2022
Gsn Circle Identity Full Color Transp
Wild Dunes Resort
Isle of Palms, South Carolina

The spa and wellness industry’s only green buying event, the GSN Buyers Conference connects quality resource suppliers and interested buyers for three days of networking, one-on-one meetings and sustainability education.

The event offers invitation-only buyers access to unique and emerging green brands who are credible and committed to greening at some level. The goal is to provide access to a wide range of eco-friendly and sustainable products, thus making it easier for spas to make better choices without compromising smart business.

Over the course of three days, attendees take part in 20 one-on-one meetings, fun and intimate networking events, and several presentations from thought leaders.

The variety of face time opportunities creates a unique environment that encourages lifelong relationships between buyers and resource suppliers.

Most importantly, the GSN Buyers Conference is the key fundraiser for the nonprofit GSN Planet. So, participation supports GSN Planet’s ability to carry out its mission of educating and providing resources that promote greening, sustainability and wellness in spa, wellness and hospitality.