Undercover Clients

Used properly, secret shoppers help you curb complaints and secure rave reviews for your spa.

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Spies, secret shoppers, clandestine customers… call them what you will, spa owners are using these invaluable researchers to help them fine-tune their operations and ensure that clients are getting the top-notch customer service they deserve.

“We always get a lot out of the secret shopping experience. It’s a useful tool in maintaining quality control and making sure our protocols are being adhered to,” says Bruce Schoenberg, owner of Oasis Day Spas in New York and Westchester (oasisdayspanyc.com). “It’s also a great way to find out what areas need improvement and what we can do to keep our customers happy and loyal.”

Although there are many ways to assess spa performance, the secret shopper is a key tool for one obvious reason: much of the spa experience happens behind closed doors, and spa owners often don’t know something is amiss until a client complains or a bad review rears its ugly head on the all-too-powerful Yelp. “This is a proactive way to stay on top of the quality of your service,” says Patricia Owen, owner of Faces DaySpa in Hilton Head, South Carolina (facesdayspa.com).

Read the full story in the DAYSPA October Digital Edition.

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