Digital Curb Appeal

There are a multitude of reasons why your website might cry out for a makeover this year.

Digital Spa
If you’ve ever bought or sold property, you’re familiar with the concept of curb appeal. It’s what motivated you to carefully consider the landscaping and signage for your spa’s location, and the same concept that encouraged you to thoughtfully design your entryway so that your space invites customers to reax into their spa experience before their treatment even begins.

Although brick-and-mortar curb appeal is still extremely important, especially within a spa, times have changed. Today, it’s highly likely that the first interaction your clients have with your spa is not physical, but digital. Before they even reach your front door, they’ll have clicked on your website. Does it welcome these digital window shoppers with the same inviting appeal demonstrated by your front desk staff? If your answer is no, it’s time to give your website a makeover.

Read the full story in the February Digital Edition!

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