Sticky Situation: Call Off The Dogs!

How do you handle a client who constantly brings her unruly dogs to appointments?

The Situation: “We had a female client who would bring in her two little dogs with her every time she got her lashes done,” says Barbara Rattigan, owner of Lash Spot Spa and Lotus Salon & Spa in Costa Mesa, California. “The dogs were running around the spa, running up to clients coming through the door, and running into other treatment rooms. It was ridiculous!” she adds.

The Solution: “I finally called the client and talked to her privately, asking her not to bring them next time,” says Rattigan. “I explained that the lash technician needs to have a steady hand when dealing with a client, and that bringing her dogs in was disruptive to the salon atmosphere. She was actually very offended. There was nothing I could’ve done differently. What if another client—or staff member—was allergic to dogs? It needs to be a clean, relaxed environment and there is no place for dogs here. My technician was so happy that the client was gone. Sometimes it’s okay to lose a bad customer and we are still very busy with our other clients,” she explains.

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