Check out these tips on how to promote a greener spa environment.

“Going green” is a movement that has been steaming ahead over the last few years. More and more, consumers are looking for businesses that promote a “greener” and more environmentally friendly way of doing things.
A recent study by research company Ipsos Open Thinking Exchange (OTX) found that 52% of global consumers care what efforts brands are making to help the environment. However, the study also found that only 38% are willing to pay more for green products. So when looking to go green, it’s important to consider whether this move would fit your clientele and works within your current price structure for services.
Here are a few quick ideas for incorporating environmentally conscious practices into your spa operations:
This one may seem a no-brainer, but if you don’t have ways for your clients and staff to recycle paper, cans and bottles, this is an easy one to do. Place labeled containers through the spa, including the office areas. And check with your local city or county sanitation services to find out what types of recycling programs are available.
No More Bottled Water
According to the Container Recycling Institute, Americans buy about 42.6 billion, single-serving plastic water bottles each year, and eight out of 10 of those end up a landfill or incinerator. Do what you can to not add to the waste by offering water to clients in a pitcher or large dispenser with glasses or recyclable cups.
Choose Products Carefully
If your budget allows, work with product companies that have demonstrated a commitment to environmental causes. However, make sure to do your research and know what to look for—check out this past article in DAYSPA to learn how to read “green” product labels.
Get Energy Efficient
Even a simple thing like installing more energy-efficient light bulbs in your spa not only helps make less waste, but can aid your bottom line as well. According to, Light Emitting Diode (LED) and Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFL) last longer, are more energy efficient, and in the long run are less expensive than regular light bulbs. And you can also be more energy efficient by asking your staff to use alternative sources of transportation, such as biking or even walking to work.